if you haven't heard david stern interviewed on the dan patrick show...you probably will if you watch espn for five minutes tonight or tomorrow or next week. i'm sure one of sportscenter's coked up, ritalin needing idiot announcers will tease you into watching or listen using their stupid trademark grunt or growl at the first syllable of EVERY sentence. vomit.
did robert horry deserve two games? no. steve nash weighs about 160lbs. i could knock him down. basketball is a contact sport. shoot some free-throws and forget about it. was it a double standard against tim duncan during a similar incident? yes.
did stern sound like a whiny, defensive, little kid today? yes. embarassing.
ok, here is where the "usually" comes in in your moniker. No, i didn't see Stern on ESPN--but Horry absolutely shoulda been benched for his overly aggressive--not just physical--check on Steve Nash--as well as the shit he pulled with Raja Bell. the outright silliness of it all is that the NBA (ala Stern) also decided to bench Stoudemire and Diaw. and for the record, Steve "two time mvp" Nash is 195 lbs. f the spurs. through prayer and the techniques of the best-seller self help book the Secret I am willing the Suns to take this series. if they do not, i will have proven that a) God does not exist and b) the secret is total bullshit.
oh, i agree. bench him. kick him out of that game. but to suspend all three? crazy. stern gave that game tonight to the spurs, and i hate him for that. i'm a nash fan. to me, he is a three time mvp. i'm rooting for the suns.
and nash is only 195lbs when his hair is shaggy. shaved he's 160.
well, ok. then your back to being "mostly right". i, as a mavs fan, will always be a Nash fan. i also, as a mavs fan, feel Dirk deserved the MVP award this year. i know he did alot to blow the first round this year (yes--even though it is a "team effort"), but he also did alot to get the Mavs to their 67 wins in the regular season.
i can't believe the suns lost last night--i've been doing everything Oprah and The Secret suggest...well, its not over yet i guess.
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