yeah, yeah, i saw transformers. of course i did. it was cheesy, but as i was walking out of the theater holding the little free mini comic book i gladly accepted when i paid my $8.50 to see this movie based on a cartoon i watched (and loved) when i was 10 years old...i said to myself, "self, what in the crap did you expect?" yeah, so...it was lame. the overall dialogue sucked. anything the robots said was borderline retarded. the little bad decepticon spy was very jar-jar binks. and, yes, pletsch, it makes absolutely no sense that robots need to blink. BUT shia labeouf can do no wrong after his brilliance in the "sofa king" skit on SNL this season.
and damn, megan fox is hot. is it just me or does hollywood continue to stretch the limits in casting men and women that we are supposed to believe are in high school?

the effects are killer. and i'm a total sucker for any movie with a secret government facility developed back in the days of hoover, which is then hidden quite brilliantly under the frackin' hoover dam.
go see transformers. probably hate it. and laugh out loud when optimus prime speaks. but make sure you go early for the previews because there is a new one for "superbad" and "untitled" from jj abrams, which looks pretty sweet.
transformers gets 2.5 outta 4 shameless GM product placements.

you know what? you should go see ratatouille. you'd probably like that.
yeah, yeah...
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