according to espn and the stupid media, sadly, i am as racist as they come because i can't take this crap anymore. i'm done. to my best knowledge (to quote ben folds)...i haven't ever owned slaves. neither has my father or his father.
i am sick of the race card.
read the latest fuel from our friends at
some highlights:
mike vick is going thru an "electronic lynching"...
"we place dogs above human beings,"...
christ. i can't take it. racism exists. we're dealing with it. are things as bad as they were 50 years ago? 15? 5? NO. they are WAY better. lay off. as a race, a species...we'll get there. it takes generations to eliminate these issues. many generations. not some piece of crap expose on espn, which in my opinion, only fuels the fire, feeds the bigots, and frustrates those who are on the normal, i think, socially acceptable pace.
changes will only occur through proper parenting. grandparents had no problem using the n word. in public. it sucked. my father, while he didn't say it in public, still said it. would i ever think about saying it in front of my future children? hell no. and that is what progress is. as slow as that sounds. but sorry...that's reality. a sad reality if you have to see the lack of parenting skills i get to deal with on a nightly basis at work. a really, really sad reality.
do i hate mike vick because he's black? no. i hate him because he's a thug dog fighter.
do i hate barry bonds because he's black? no. i hate him because he's a jerk.
does hank aaron hate barry bonds because he's black? hmmm.
are there people out there who do hate them because they are black? yep. lots of them. can they be changed? no. but they'll all die eventually...and be replaced by my children. and my friends children.
sorry, alanta. sorry, you've had it rough. sorry, it ain't getting better fast enough. but it will.
but as long as espn (and all media) keeps doing this. the race card will continue to stall any progress.
let my electronic lynching begin...
oh, and i hate peta, too.
and good luck pac man in your pro wrastlin' career.
This Michael Vick fiasco wouldn't be such a race issue if he killed both white and black pit bulls. Also, OJ was innocent.
OJ was innocent. And you know what I hated about Oregon (since we're on the subject)? Once everyone I worked and interacted with found out I'd moved there from Texas they all wanted to talk to me about what it was like to be a racist. Even though Portland didn't even let blacks cross the city line until the 1970s?! And even though I met one, as in 1 (!), black person the entire time I lived there and she looked, dressed, and spoke like Claire Huxtable. (!) Even though the douchebags I worked with wouldn't drink wine from CA because "all those people are moving up here and makin' our property rates go up"! I just thought, you know--to like (or not like) certain kinds of people, you really should interact with them. Michael Vick is ghetto and if he were white he'd be trailer park. It sucks to be poor and there are tons of poor people in this country because all anybody wants to do it get rich "or die tryin". Wow. I really should have used my own blog to rant about this!
PS- I think Oregon is beautiful and the beer is better. For the most part everyone was nice, they just can't take a joke.
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