bicycles are great. for exercise.
i drove by an accident last night probably minutes after it happened. i don't know the details, but there were plently of witnesses, and the talk at work is that the cyclist was the one ticketed? go figure.
but i like where this one is going (apparently he wasn't properly equipped and turned into the truck?)...koin.com
listen, i applaud all you brave, carbon-reducing souls for riding your bike everywhere. it's great that you all have balls of steel. and wear foam helmets to protect your precious, think-green noggins. however, sadly, no one must love you?
if anyone i cared about tried to guilt me into letting them bike commute in this rainy, 6 hours of light per day town or any town...there would be issues.
"share the road" bumperstickers are starting to take over the anti-bush and honor roll stickers. why? bikes aren't meant for city streets. it's a nice thought. but why risk it? do you really want your wife or son zipping along inches from a tri-met bus or a semi-truck? why?
it's good to have a cause. there are good fights and bad fights. this is a bad one. i don't care how good of a driver you are. sometimes your little reflective ankle straps and that tiny, golf ball-sized flashing red light come out of no where. and i'm a decent driver.
what about the 75% of drivers that suck ass? yeah, honestly, i'm surprised the number of accidents isn't WAAAAAY higher.
save your bike ridin' for parks or open roads or dry, open roads or dry, open roads during the sunlight hours?
i'm just sayin'.
a sample of some of our recent headlines:
the mercury.
kgw.com (the bickering in the blog linked in this one is pretty good.)
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