come on, dude.
if you have political aspirations, how do you not keep your dick in your pants? amazing.
the portland mayor's office goes from crazy, cat lady vera katz to clint eastwood wanna be, grandpa tom potter to probable pedophile, but for sure cradle robber, and excellent dresser, sam adams.
i really wanted to like this guy. and to make matters worse his attitude is "sorry dudes, i shouldn't have done that. hey, what's for dinner?".
some of portland is disgusted. some don't care. some say it's no big deal. some say, "hey, he's gay. why you making this a gay thing? why you all up in his gay-shit? why you gotta be like that? what are you some kind of bigot? man, this is portland. move if you don't like embracing change. what are you some kind of bigot?"
it's gonna be a tough couple of months here in bumper sticker portland.
hey! look over there! it's a bird! it's a duck! hey, obama got elected!*
*sam adams hides under his desk until this blows over.
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