i'll try to come up with ten good ones, but probably won't get too far.
iron man 2
meh. ho-hum. comic book movie + sucker = i'm not gonna say i didn't like it.
don't swing and miss again with the villains, though, or we'll have issues. leave the horrible russian accents to cheesy james bond bad guys, ok mickey?
meh. ho-hum. i'll buy the blu-ray because that's what suckers do.
the people that think they are smarter than this film can save their issues for the next mensa meeting. i was entertained, which is the first reason i go to movies. then followed closely by a chance to see angelina jolie's ass while eating sour patch kids.

the town
gawbage bawston bank robbas. good story. great casting.
it felt like something like this could happen at any moment:
kick ass
you think i would have a top ten movies of the year without an entry from sweet nic cage?! you know i've read the comic books, so the movie was bound to disappoint. it didn't. cursing children. good stuff.
due date
this year's hangover. you saw it. everyone saw it. these movies will eventually go the way of adam sandler but until then, i'm in.
hot tub time machine
the sleeper. maybe you didn't see it. you should. dirty jokes. and it feels good to put john cusack in this list.
scott pilgrim
great flick. if you haven't seen it, you probably won't...because you're so cool.
go nerds. go nerds. go nerds.

that's all i got. granted i haven't yet seen true grit or black swan or social network. i'm told they will all crack the top five.
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