1. the freakin' retards at chipotle who REFUSE when i ask for "a little bit" of sour cream use anything besides that giant serving spoon, which always ends up drowning my sweet precious tacos in about seven pounds of goo.
2. one night off this week in a stretch of nine. and i decide to waste it on 'cloverfield'. the movie poster for this load of crap should read:
cloverfield. disaster. movie.
this movie (home video footage) made me sick. literally. all the jerking and jolting. the constant moaning and groaning of something getting bombed and shot somewhere in midtown. 50% of this movie was dialogue with the dropped camera focusing in on some one's shoulder. or the floor. or darkness. or of a monster that i liked better the first time i saw him when he lived under jabba the hut. i've never left a movie seasick until now. i've been nauseated for over 24 hours. this movie couldn't be any more empty and unsatisfying. i get it, the whole 'blair witch meets godzilla' thing, but a few more answers and explanations are needed to make this thing even remotely engaging. so there's a monster. it's big. it fucks up new york. people die. the end.
i should have known better. my bad.

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