Wednesday, December 1, 2010

more flies.

of course these are a little sloppy and can only get better. but it sure is fun to watch them come together. spinning hackle and dubbing on a hook is quickly becoming one of life's little pleasures.
i love the prince nymph. and by love, i mean, i've put close to million of these buggers into the trees along the banks of the deschutes. hopefully, i won't have to buy anymore. ever.


Steelie Mike said...

I will take a dozen #8's!

Mark Grimes said...

This is such an amazing entry and I love to read more of it so that I will be able to look over and have it as an inspiration for further articles to write about when it comes to updates on fly fishing stuffs and it's pros and cons too. I do hope you will get to visit our official website and let us know what you think about it. Here is the link

Thanks ahead and happy new year to you and the rest
of your family. :)