Tuesday, April 17, 2007

miguel's movie minute

after a dirty US military guy tells a lab tech to dump 1 million bottles of old formaldehyde into a sink that drains into the river han...crazy monster madness ensues. the plot is mostly about a family rescue mission that involves a lot of shotguns, molotov cocktails, and some sweet archery. i recommend this flick even though the special effects aren't great, the chernobyl lizard is lame, and there is no nudity. asian monster movies rock...right? i mean what isn't great about mobs of people running in no direction, screaming, and getting crushed under foot? tried and true, my friends, tried and true.
this flick gets 3 out of 4 cup-o-noodles.

1 comment:

Afbloghi Blogs said...

step it up, mike!! you need more post. by the way, this is a note from hell since you damned me there.