the home improvement projects are on hold. completed the trifecta of fishing the lower, middle, and upper deschutes. lovely.
the highlights: jetting up from heritage (those guys have brass cajones), the guy at the riffle fly shop (anybody wearing a p-bar hat from sitka is good peoples), working on my farmer tan, hooking a brown as long as my arm (but then a lowlight...i busted it off like a monkey fuckin' a football with my net), the magic bug works again, the shins played through the perfect storm (i wish there were more thunderstorms in thing i miss about nebraska), and the huskers rolled.
the lowlights: central oregon dust, not feeling like camping i roach moteled it and got absolutely hooked on some trash t.v. specifically 'LA ink' and 'rock of love with bret michaels' (kill me now), and not having enough time to stop to fish the big golden stoney-looking bugs coming off the metolius thick.
sounds like a great weekend...... good call on not camping in the dust. I camped out in that direction weeks ago and there is still dirt on me.
Dude. Don't get me started on Rock of Love. My girlfriend gets me watching this shit and I can't stop.
quit apologizing for watching rock of love--that show rules, err, i mean rulz!
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