why do i get sucked in? why isn't there a sure thing in hollywood when it comes to a consistently funny actor? 'balls of fury' sucked. shame on me for thinking a movie about ping pong could be good. christ, this movie was absolutely horrible. i laughed once...wait, no, i didn't. christopher walken, why do you lay turds like this?
zero outta four "wax on, wax off" jokes.

'bourne ultimatum'. solid. as expected. killer fights. even more killer car chases. but, ok, somebody fill me in...i haven't read the books. i want to but i never get around to strengthening brain cells because i'm busy weakening them. so...did i pick up on some tension between bourne and julia stiles' character? did he used to bone her or something? just wondering.
four outta four dilithium crystals. my fingers are crossed that damon is cast as kirk in the new star trek movie. "there's something on the wing...some...thing!"

'superbad'. i mean, come on...what do you want me to say? i take back what i said about walken. jonah hill is quickly becoming the next tom hanks. nick cage. brad pitt. john wayne. george clooney. will smith. archie bunker. john candy. 'superbad' is super f-bomb-tastic. thank you, judd apatow. you may be the easiest pudding in hollywood right now, but i'm your bitch. you make menstrual blood kosher. you make cops cool. you get nerds laid.
five outta four frozen banana stands.
Man, I can't wait to see SuperBad. 4 out of 5, I'll take it.
ugh! superbad = superlame = superdorks= superturd = supercrap! can't believe you've swallowed this guy's kool-aid!
shelly, shelly, shelly...you poor thing. let us in, sunshine.
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