from firejoemorgan.com
Strike Up the Band!
It finally happened, you guys!!!
Joe Buck, bottom 6, Red Sox' diminuitive caucasian 2B Dustin Pedroia at the dish:
"He's a lot like David Eckstein -- he makes the most out of what he's got."
Finally. Someone pointed out the superficial/wrong.
Pedroia, in 2007, his 23 year-old rookie year: .317/ .380 /.442. .292 EqA.
Eckstein, Cherry Picking Best Ever Result in Every Category Throughout his Entire Career: .309/.363/.395. .274 EqA.
Eck's career SLG is .362. His career high in doubles is 26. Pedroia had 39.
But hey. They are both short. And white. So that's something.
i hope these are joe's first guests:
1. homey d. clown
2. randy moss
3. these guys:
and his band: www.joebuckyourself.com
tim mccarver will play the part of ed mcmahon.
yes, one of the longest nightshifts ever. thanks for asking.
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